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Course Schedule  2024


Gen Training - Virtual Class





June July August September October November

Introduction to CA Gen


3,4 1,2 5,6 2,3 7,8 4,5
Fast Track CA Gen Developer 5 3-7 1-5 5-9 2-6 7-11 4-8

Basic Developer


3-14 1-12 5-16 2-13 7-18 4-15

Developer for Maintenance

8 3-12 1-10 5-14 2-11 7-16 4-13

All Round Developer


3-21 1-19 5-23 2-20 7-25 4-22

CA Gen for the Designer - Analyst


3-7 1-5 5-9 2-6 7-11 4-8

CA Gen for the Database
Administrator (DBA)


3-7 1-5 5-9 2-6 7-11 4-8

Developer Block Mode Systems


17,18 15,16 19,20 16,17 21,22 18,19

Developer Batch Systems


19 17 21 18 23 20

CA Gen for the Tester


3-5 1-3 5-7 2-4 7-9 4-6

Model Manager


24-27 22-25 26-29 23-26 28-31 25-28



24,25 22,23 26,27 23,24 28,29 25,26

Version Control


26,27 24,25 28,29 25,26 30,31 27,28

Component Based
Development (CBD)


24,25 29,30 26,27 23,24 28,29 25,26

Contact us for:

- training request

- a free demonstration of the training method 'virtual class'

- more information to select the right training for your Gen situation

If it is difficult to select your first CA Gen training, this link will help you to make the right choice.


Read here more about the training in a Virtual Class.


At your request all courses can be delivered on site.


IET's Studio Developer

Would you like to learn CA Gen using IET's Studio Developer?

All Educagen training courses, including the exercises, are suitable for students who develop applications using IET's Studio Developer.

How to select your first CA Gen training?

When you are not familiar with the CA Gen environment it might be difficult to select the right training you need.

Demo Virtual Class ?

Would you like to know how Educagen delivers CA Gen training in a virtual class? Please, apply for a free demonstration by one of our trainers.

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CA Gen is also known as: AllFusion Gen, Advantage Gen, Cool:Gen, coolgen, IEF and Composer.

Cool:gen Contact